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in an american girl’s opinion|girl of the year

Writer: 𝙟𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 ♡𝙟𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 ♡

welcome to the first post of iaago! today I’ll be sharing some of my ides about future goty’s!

american girl hasn’t been overly successful with creating a diverse line of goty’s. we’ve seen more than ten dolls with stories of nature. not to mention the incredibly slim amount of racial diversity. we’ve only four Asian American characters, one Black character, two Latino characters. That makes only seven dolls that aren’t white. so what does the girl of the year 2024 bring us? likely another white doll. these past seven years, ag has released four culturally and racially different dolls from the rest. but considering that ag just released two Asian dolls one after another, it’s unlikely that goty 2024 will be Asian, Black, or Latino. In fact, we already know this for a fact, due to the trademarked full name of “Lila Monetti,” an Italian name. to conclude, we likely won’t get another culturally and racially diverse goty doll until 2025, or possibly 2026. this is really sad, especially because of how influential the goty line can be. given that the goty’s represent modern girls, it’s a little disappointing that, in the next year or two, the girls of today won’t be able to read and learn about the story of a doll with a culturally and racially different background, or, maybe, read about the story of a doll with a culturally and racially similar background that may make the girl feel more included. it almost takes away the purpose of goty: dolls representing the girls of today.

whew, that must've been a handful to read! I hope that it was easy to understand what I was getting at! I love American girl and fully trust that they will be able to create a diverse line of dolls that will be able to teach girls about different cultures and backgrounds, but I wanted to share my ideas with you guys. let me know in the comments or in the forum about your ideas and thoughts! bye for now!


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